Minggu, 12 November 2017
DSI Outsourcing Service Pekerja Buruh Borongan Outsourcing di BANDUNG BARAT SOREANG TASIKMALAYA Plywood; Moulding Service International transport freight
By blogger at 19.51
DSI Outsourcing Service Pekerja Buruh Borongan Outsourcing di BANDUNG BARAT SOREANG TASIKMALAYA Plywood; Moulding Service International transport freight
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forwarding; Marine cargo Manufacturing Domestic furniture wooden carving Distributor Trading Fotographic equipment Service Professional training establishment Service Advertising agent and public relation service printing letterpress offset flat-bed Service Supplier Civil mechanical and electrical contractor; Mechanical and electrical instrument DSI Outsourcing Service Pekerja Buruh Borongan Outsourcing di BANDUNG BARAT SOREANG TASIKMALAYA Plywood; Moulding Service International transport freight Manufacturing Exporter Service Supplier Electrical engineering; Building contractor; Handicraft Manufacturing Glass for building Manufacturing Exporter Electronic product ballast footwear sport tennia ball Manufacturintg EDP equipment Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Service Power installation contarctor; Electric electronic and nuclear engineering service; Telecommunication Distributor Manufacturing Supplier Office machinery and equipment: office furniture Distributor Manufacturing Supplier
OSI Outsourcing Service Karyawan Borongan Harian Outsourcing di NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT SOREANG nd management consultant Technical and management
By blogger at 19.49
OSI Outsourcing Service Karyawan Borongan Harian Outsourcing di NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT SOREANG nd management consultant Technical and management
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OSI Outsourcing Service Karyawan Borongan Harian Outsourcing di NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT SOREANG nd management consultant Technical and management
consultant Trading Electronic product: battery; TV equipment; Radio receiving; Washing machine; Refrigerator Air conditioner Trading Water welling equipment and plant pump pumping equipment Service Trading General merchant and trading civilwork contractor Manufacturing Exporter Trading Processed spice herb and vegetable Trading Service Tobacco product smoker requisite; Warehouse and storage site Manufacturing OSI Outsourcing Service Karyawan Borongan Harian Outsourcing di NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT SOREANG nd management consultant Technical and management Electric power Supplier service Printing letterpress offset flat-bed graphic supplies Service Tour and Travel Service General planning Manufacturing Trading Exporter Cosmetic product herb medicine Service Newspaper publisher Hotel HotelTrading Importer Fertilizer pesticide Trading Iron and steel product Trading Iron and steel product Distributor Pharmaceutical: Medical equipment Manufacturing Exporter
BPM Service Jasa Tenaga Borongan Harian Outsourcing di BEKASI NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT Motor car air conditioning and accessories Service Property development management and Sales
By blogger at 19.46
BPM Service Jasa Tenaga Borongan Harian Outsourcing di BEKASI NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT Motor car air conditioning and accessories Service Property development management and Sales
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BPM Service Jasa Tenaga Borongan Harian Outsourcing di BEKASI NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT Motor car air conditioning and accessories Service Property development management and Sales
service Transportation Airlines Manufacturing Wall tile; Glaed roof tile; Floor tile Service Electrical contractor Service Manufacturing Pipe and tube Manufacturing Structural metal fabrication steel contruction storage tank ship structure for oil and natural gas industry Manufacturing trading service Machine tools lathe machinery repairing service Distributor Agent Health and laboratory equipment; Glove Service BPM Service Jasa Tenaga Borongan Harian Outsourcing di BEKASI NGAMPRAH BANDUNG BARAT Motor car air conditioning and accessories Service Property development management and Sales Renting of heavy equipment Trading Drilling plant and equipment Trading Importer Chemical; Edible oil and fat also processed palm coconut and soya bean oil; Bakery product biscuit; Flavour and fragrance Trading Importer Chemical; Edible oil and fat also processed palm coconut and soya bean oil; Bakery product biscuit; Flavour and fragrance Service Oil drilling exploration service Manufacturing Exporter Plastic Scak Bag Service Finance house securities Service Book Publisher and distribution agency Manufacturing Coffe Powder Technical a
Alamat Perusahaan PT DAMARINDO MANDIRI Tenaga Kerja Pekerja Outsourcing di CIKARANG BEKASI NGAMPRAH Property development; Building contractor; Management consultant Service
By blogger at 19.44
Alamat Perusahaan PT DAMARINDO MANDIRI Tenaga Kerja Pekerja Outsourcing di CIKARANG BEKASI NGAMPRAH Property development; Building contractor; Management consultant Service
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Alamat Perusahaan PT DAMARINDO MANDIRI Tenaga Kerja Pekerja Outsourcing di CIKARANG BEKASI NGAMPRAH Property development; Building contractor; Management consultant Service
Newspaper publisher Manufacturing Exporter Woodworking parquet jamb profile furniture Trading Book general educational material; stationary and office requisite; Sporting and camping equipment; Toy Bank Bank Service communication Telecommunication service telephone telegraph and telex Trading Produce commodity Alamat Perusahaan PT DAMARINDO MANDIRI Tenaga Kerja Pekerja Outsourcing di CIKARANG BEKASI NGAMPRAH Property development; Building contractor; Management consultant Service cosmetic shampoo soap gift shop souvenir household and kitchen supplies Service General engineering and contracting Manufacturing Trading Pharmaceutical drug; Herb medicine; Candy confectionery; Garment Service Technical consultant Service Laundry service Manufacturing Synthetic resin Service Industrial estate management; Real estate; Villa Service Surveyor inspection service Manufacturing Motor vehicle body builder Service Oil and gas drilling and exploration service ServiceTrading
ALAMAT Perusahaan PT PANCORMAS PERKASA Jasa Tenaga Borongan Outsourcing di BOGOR CIKARANG BEKASI Restaurant Trading Leather goods industrial leather tanning Service Book
By blogger at 19.43
ALAMAT Perusahaan PT PANCORMAS PERKASA Jasa Tenaga Borongan Outsourcing di BOGOR CIKARANG BEKASI Restaurant Trading Leather goods industrial leather tanning Service Book
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ALAMAT Perusahaan PT PANCORMAS PERKASA Jasa Tenaga Borongan Outsourcing di BOGOR CIKARANG BEKASI Restaurant Trading Leather goods industrial leather tanning Service Book
publisher and distribution agency Trading Wood product Manufacturing Producers Wood chips coconut plantation Manufacturing Mineral water Service Trading Manufacturing Ship repairing service and maintenance fibre glass Service Tour ALAMAT Perusahaan PT PANCORMAS PERKASA Jasa Tenaga Borongan Outsourcingdi BOGOR CIKARANG BEKASI Restaurant Trading Leather goods industrial leather tanning Service Book Travel Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing Textile finishing dyer Manufacturing Yarn and twist Manufacturing Exporter Cosmetic; baby product Manufacturing Corrugated cardboard paper and pulp Manufacturing Textile: Spinning weaving finishing Manufacturing Yarn and twist Manufacturing Metala cutting Distributor Trading Importer Heavy equipment Manufacturing Floor tile Manufacturing Exporter Glazed ceramic roof tile Bank Bank Service
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AkteNotarisUdin Narsudin, SH No.14 Tanggal 14 Juli 2003, dan perubahan No. 52 tanggal 25 Juli2 010
Pengesahan Akte Pendiri Men Kum Ham No. C-23535 HT.01.01
Tahun 2003 dan Persetujuan Akte Perubahan Men Kum Ham No.
AHU-10615.AH.01.02.Tahun 2010
Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) No.
Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) No. 503/604/.BP2T/30-03/PK/IV/2011.
Surat Izin Jasa Penyediaan Tenaga Pengamanan No. Pol : SI/2323 / IV /2 011
Surat Izin Penyedia Jasa Pekerja BP2T Tangerang No.5 68/09-BP2T/2010.
SKDU Kec. Curug Ds. Kadu No. 503/85-Ds.KD/2010
SKDU Kec. Jatiuwung Kel. Keroncong No. 13/04/EKBANG/1/2011
Kartu Tanda Anggota BUJAPI No. 00163/18 -11-2010
Kartu Tanda Anggota KADIN Tangerang No. 20606 -06000871/110204
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak : -451.000
Sertifikat Kepesertaan Jamsostek No. 05CK008
Pengesahan Akte Pendiri Men Kum Ham No. C-23535 HT.01.01
Tahun 2003 dan Persetujuan Akte Perubahan Men Kum Ham No.
AHU-10615.AH.01.02.Tahun 2010
Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) No.
Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) No. 503/604/.BP2T/30-03/PK/IV/2011.
Surat Izin Jasa Penyediaan Tenaga Pengamanan No. Pol : SI/2323 / IV /2 011
Surat Izin Penyedia Jasa Pekerja BP2T Tangerang No.5 68/09-BP2T/2010.
SKDU Kec. Curug Ds. Kadu No. 503/85-Ds.KD/2010
SKDU Kec. Jatiuwung Kel. Keroncong No. 13/04/EKBANG/1/2011
Kartu Tanda Anggota BUJAPI No. 00163/18 -11-2010
Kartu Tanda Anggota KADIN Tangerang No. 20606 -06000871/110204
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak : -451.000
Sertifikat Kepesertaan Jamsostek No. 05CK008